803 Whatcoat St , P.O . BOX 117 , Oxford, GA 30054
Worship With Us - Sundays @ 11 AM
Sundays @ 11 AM
You are invited to worship with us this Sunday morning at 11 AM. This summer our worship is taking place in Lovern Hall. Worship at Allen Memorial follows a fairly traditional pattern. Most Sundays we sing hymns, offer prayers, experience the fantastic musical offerings of our Chancel Choir and musical staff and hear a word from God in the Sermon. Depending on the Sunday there are other elements to our worship, but everything is designed to help you grow in your relationship with God.
Children are an important part of worship at Allen Memorial. Children participate in worship by serving as Acolytes, participating in musical offerings and through the children’s sermon, where just about anything can happen.
Children 0-4 years old are welcome in our nursery, and children in elementary school are welcome to go to Children’s Church following the children’s message.
We want you to feel welcome at Allen Memorial. Please feel free to visit with us and if we can help you while you are here please let us know.