803 Whatcoat St , P.O . BOX 117 , Oxford, GA 30054
Worship With Us - Sundays @ 11 AM

The Men at Allen Memorial are an active bunch, and they are always looking for more men to join in their fellowship and outreach projects. The Men host their Monthly Breakfasts on the Second Sunday Morning of each month at 8 a.m. The Men also host a variety of projects throughout the year. Their most noted projects are their famous Chicken BBQs. Overall, the United Methodist Men of Allen Memorial strive to help each other grow closer to Christ.
Methodist Men Focus
To encourage knowledge of and support for the total mission of The United Methodist Church.
To engage in evangelism by sharing the fullness of the gospel in its personal and social dimensions.
To clarify and speak to the identity and role of the man in contemporary society.
To seek commitment to discipleship.
To study and become familiar with The United Methodist Church, its organization, doctrines, and beliefs.
To cooperate with all units of United Methodist Men in obtaining these objectives through district, conference, jurisdiction, and church-wide goals.