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AMUMC  web-0061
AMUMC Easter-3884
AMUMC  web-2635
AMUMC  web-02275
AMUMC  web-2706
AMUMC Eastert-3640
AMUMC CornDawgs-0345
AMUMC Easter-3889
AMUMC Easter-3918
AMUMC Easter-3555
AMUMC Easter-3517
AMUMC Easter-3695
AMUMC Easter-3882
AMUMC Bulletin-7355
AMUMC Bulletin-7324


Allen Memorial is blessed with a great number of children and families.  Children can currently participate in Children’s Church, children’s music programs, vacation bible school and serve as Acolytes during worship.  The children’s ministry also hosts several special events throughout the year.  If you have a child between the ages of 0-4 The church has a fully staffed Nursery ready to serve you.  With this growing ministry at Allen Memorial we are always finding new ways to help our children grow to love Christ and the church. 

Tel 770-786-7414 Fax  770-784-7413

803 Whatcoat St. P.O. Box 117, Oxford, GA 30054

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